01 -
Remove cream cheese from fridge. Set aside.
02 -
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl mix cake mix and ingredients as directed on back. Pour cake batter onto a greased 9x13 cake pan. Bake as directed. Remove cake from oven and allow to cool for at least 15 minutes. Please do not skip this step because the cake needs to be cool.
03 -
In a medium bowl pour the heavy cream, cream cheese, sugar, vanilla. Mix with whisk or mixer for 2-3 minutes until the mixture begins to solidify and does not have any more lumps. Set aside.
04 -
Crumb the cooled cake into tiny pieces either with a fork or by hand. Pour the frosting mixture on the crumb cake and mix together with a spoon or spatula until everything is well combined and begins to have a pasty texture.
05 -
Line a cake pan with wax paper, parchment paper, or foil. With a scoop, scoop the mixture into 1 inch balls. If you do not have a scoop you can form the balls by hand. After all the balls are formed place in the freezer for 10 minutes.
06 -
While the balls are in the freezer melt the chocolate in the microwave in 25 second increments until the chocolate is fully melted. Remove the balls from the freezer and dip each ball into the chocolate mixture and place on pan.
07 -
After you have dipped all the balls be sure they have dried first (if the chocolate has not dried place in freezer for 2 minutes) then drizzle the leftover chocolate on the balls with a spoon or piping bag.